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Why Take A Reading Challenge?
When I was young, I was a reader. I was one of those kids who always had my head in a book. (Usually from the Thoroughbred series or a Goosebumps book!) Somewhere along the way around junior high or high school, I lost my need to read for pleasure. I didn’t stop liking reading, but it just quit being something I did for fun. Maybe I had myself too busy with extra-curricular activities. Perhaps it was that all of my reading energy was used up for books I had to read for school. I finally got that joy of reading back in college, and though I’m not as consistent as I’d like, I still read for pleasure now.
My kids love reading, and we have books all over the house. Literally. We also try to take somewhat regular trips to the library to mix it up a bit. I want them to continue to view reading as a fun activity as they grow. Though they haven’t lost their joy yet, I started to brainstorm ways that I can make (and keep) reading fun for them. It’s also easy to get caught up in the summer shuffle and fall down on our daily summer reading. I don’t think there’s a chance they’d go to bed without a story, but I love sitting down with them during the day for a quiet minute too! (2020 update: My son has started a book club! Read about it here!)
My husband is a reading challenge guy. He currently has at least 3 different lists/challenges he is working on. Some are to complete in a short period of time (like the Popsugar one he wrote about earlier!) Others are “lifetime” lists like Amazon’s 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime, and his personal challenge to read nonfiction books with protagonists from each country of the world. The boys hear him talk about his reading challenges, so it seemed natural to create one for them!
Summer Reading Fun
There’s lots of different types of reading challenges out there. Some are lists of books to read. Others are categories to choose from. There’s also some fun reading “task” challenges (for example: read a book outside). I asked for Kyle’s help creating our personal summer reading challenge, and we went with a topis/categories challenge.
Our intent is to let the boys choose an item from the list, and take them to the library to find a book that fits the criterion. Does anybody else get so tired of your kids’ personal book collection? I swear it’s like we have a library of our own here, but sometimes I just can’t pick anything I want to read again. We chose to include 22 topics, which averages to 2 books per week of my kids’ summer vacation. This seems like a super manageable number considering that most of the books they will pick will be books we can read in one sitting! If you’ve got an older kid reading longer books you can still join in. Make it a challenge for the rest of the year, or just pick a reasonable number of items from the list together.
I am hoping it will be fun for them. If it turns out they view it as a chore then we’ll table it. But I really don’t see that happening with them.
Join In!
The graphic at the top of the post has all of our challenge items so you can join in. Click the image below to sign up to receive a free .pdf tracking sheet straight to your inbox. This way you can have something to print off and take with you to the library to check off! Update: If you’d rather just purchase books, consider doing it from Bookshop! A percentage of every purchase with Bookshop goes to support independent bookstores. Pretty cool! You can read more about it in this post! Also, feel free to join our Summer Reading Challenge group on Facebook to share all of your picks and see what everyone else is reading!
If you’re looking for more summer fun, be sure to check out these posts:
Book Club for Kids: 5 Tips to Get Started
How to Start a Butterfly Garden
And if you want to be sure to check all of our fun family ideas, sign up for my mailing list!!